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New Website!

We are live!

Four years ago, I launched this blog, initially on Facebook. A few months later I started using Google's free Blogger software, quickly adding the custom domain. It's been great, but it's become too cumbersome to keep up with as the blog grows. It also doesn't keep up with the times. Time to move. 

After a bunch of research, I decided to move to Squarespace. It's a big step from Blogger, but not so far as a self hosted Wordpress site.  It fits me just fine and it's an absolute pleasure to work with.  

It's incredibly up to date on the behind the scene's technical stuff, SEO, mobile accessibility, image handling, and built in features that I'd have to pay extra for elsewhere. Go ahead, if you're on a computer, resize this window and see how it adjusts automatically to fit. I'll wait. 

Slick eh?


The site is successfully transferred over and working. It is by no means anywhere close to complete. I'm working by way back through old posts, tweaking and fixing some of the stuff that was beat up in the transfer. Some of the content links are screwed up, affiliate plug-ins are broken, images are too small, the "no-follow" code required by Google for sponsored / partnered content disappeared.  The Disqus commenting system is working, but as of this writing, the history hasn't ported over yet. Hopefully, the RSS feed works. I'm working my way through the posts bit by bit.

Farewell to the Blogger site traffic...

I've streamlined a little bit, changing from AZ DIY GUY's Projects to simply AZ DIY Guy and cleaned up the logo some. The look of the site is pretty similar, but more graphically intense. The photos can now be huuuge!

Feature Projects

There's some really cool stuff to come. I'm putting some collections together of my major projects for those that like to follow along through multi-post sagas. 

It's fun to go through some of my older stuff. It's weird reading early posts, harkening from yesteryear, when I was still finding my writing style, the photos were all from a camera phone and edited in freebie software, and I had a bit less gray in my hair. 

Anyway, more and more of the site will be coming on line shortly.  I've got some great content coming this fall, including some exciting brand partnership stuff, maybe some giveaways as well. 

Thanks for reading, my cyberspace friends.

Have a great day!